Asked by Ankit Agrawal | 30th of March 2020
career counselling career guidanceCareer counselors are many in India because everybody love to counsel in India.
Many people who cousel have many motives. But the export counsellors are rare commodity.
You should go to expert counsellors, counselor because
A career counsellor or analyst is somebody whose career is to create right career paths.So he/ she is the one who keeps themselves updated with different fields and options to get into it.Career counselling should always be done by an expert career counsellor as they will keep every aspect in mind while determining your career path rather than just telling you to do what most of the people around are doing.Indian mentality is that when you have an elder( Grand father/ uncles) at home why do you need to pay for a wise advice,So,to be clear and crisp our elders and uncles etc either they are professors,teachers,retired personnel's etc.must be well versed in there fields of work but they are not aware of all the fields and careers that have come up or where already there in demand but because nobody knew had low supply of candidates to join them.They only know what there relatives or close friend kids are doing.
With the plethora of career options in the present scenario students and even working people are quite often confused about selecting the best career option for them. Selecting a career considereing its pay package and thinking that I will be able to do well once I start working, is a big mistake many people do. Actually to grow into any career your personality, intesrests and values are the most important factors. And surprisingly quite often people are confused about these factors as well. A trained career counsellor through standardised assessment tools is able to analyse all aspects of your abilties and psychological attributes to match with your perfect career option, what you may even call as your passion. And when passion is there nothing can stop you from reaching the peak.
experienced counsellors offer insights on the benefits of marrying the professional abilities, personality strengths and interest areas of the candidate seeking guidance and link these to suitable occupation in the world of work. It is important to restrain from seeing each of the (1) personality strengths, (2) professional abilities and (3) interest areas/likes in isolation for linking to suitable work in the world of work.
Please consider following two examples:
1. If we face a medical problem, do we seek advice of a Chemist at Medical Store or we visit a qualified, practitioner Doctor ?
2. In Geography an Island & a Continent both are called as Landmass. Can these two be compared ?
With seasoned wisdom, an Expert Counsellor perfectly amalgamates the Real-time information with Multidimentional Psychometric Analysis and chalks out an Executable Career Roadmap that can put a candidate on his/her most suitable Career Trajectory thereby ensuring sure success.
Hence it becomes necessary to get Career Counselling done by Expert Career Counsellor.
Every, so called, expert who facilitates admission, is not a Career Counsellor.